Message from the Chairman

“When the last river has dried, the last tree has vanished, the last fish has been caught, the white man will realize that money is inedible.”

This is what the Indian chief said... and the message he gave remains current despite all this time. Today, the industrialization race of the major countries in the world continues, and unfortunately, if realistic/global measures are delayed, a very serious disaster awaits the whole world and humanity in the very near future. I think we wouldn't be wrong if we adapt the above Native American chief's words today as “When the world disappears, human beings will realize that they have no home to go to other than the Earth.”

Now, awareness has developed all over the world about the negative effects of fossil fuels on greenhouse gases. Finally, many international organizations and authorities are showing the will to stop this self-destructive course of our world by taking much more determined and effective steps on this issue. Because only in the last 60 years, the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased much more than the total increase in the previous hundreds of thousands of years (see NOAA 2016 report). It very clearly reveals the relationship between this trend towards extinction.

The search for solutions to find a solution to this negative trend continues all over the world, and more and more binding and marginal decisions are being made every day. At the centre of all these solution proposals is the “green industrial revolution” and therefore the proposal to use renewable energy sources as energy instead of fossil fuels.

We, as SolarParkGroup, are happy to be one of the components of this revolution and transformation, which is inevitable for a more liveable and cleaner world, with our place and work in the sector. Like all our other colleagues and companions with whom we stand together, with our work in this sector, we actually “make the world cleaner and more liveable.” We feel justified pride in being on the side that says “let it happen”.

We are honoured to meet and work with the Solar Energy family, which is an indispensable part of Renewable Energy, through such organizations, and we greet all our valuable friends in the sector with respect and sincerity.

Chairman of the Board


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